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So, now to learn to draw Fuzby in 12 steps.
If you can draw these shapes:
Then you can draw Fuzby!
Step 1: Draw and upside-down U.
Step 2: Extend the sides down.
Step 3: Draw an upside-down V.
Step 4: Make lines for the bottom of his feet.
Step 5: Draw the top of his feet.
Step 6. Add Fuzby's face and the dots on his legs.
Step 7: Draw a large U for the bottom of Fuzby's hair.
Step 8: Add a fuzzy top to the hair.
Step 9: Create a fuzzy smaller circle by making a jig-jaggy circle inside of the larger circle.
Step 10: Add more fuzzy lines for hair.
Step 11: Add even more fuzzy lines for highlight areas.
Step 12: Color and Enjoy!